Ringelbeats mit Ernesto Chahoud & JJ Whitefield

Es war eine der, mit Verlaub, krassesten Parties, die der Rekorder erlebt hat. Der Schweiß tropte in dieser Sommernacht von der Decke und es waren wirklich sehr viele Menschen gekommen, um diese zwei besonderen Menschen und eine, so Arte und die New York Times, "der besten Parties der Welt" mit uns zu feiern. Um so glücklicker können wir verkünden:
SIE KOMMEN WIEDER! Zwei lebende Legenden ihres Bereichs: Ernesto Chahoud aus dem Libanon und JJ Whitefield aus München. Denn es hat ihnen wohl mindestens genau so gut gefallen wie uns - in seinem Interview bei Vinyl Asyl hat Ernesto die Rekorder-Crowd "most often mindend club we have been". Grund genug ihm das nochmal zu beweisen.
Beyond Addis DJ Tour Part 2 Feat.
Ernesto Chahoud (Beirut Groove Collective) &
JJ Whitefield (Poets Of Rhythm/Karl Hector)
Ethiopian Grooves, Afrobeat, Arabian Psych, Tropical Funk, Raw Soul and Garage Rock – DJ-sets strictly from original 45rpm vinyl records!
After the success of Ernesto Chahoud and JJ Whitefield’s Beyond Addis DJ tour last June, which brought their very eclectic but highly danceable sound cocktail to some of the most amazing clubs across Germany, Belgium, France and Switzerland, the two crate diggers hit the road again to present their unique sonic culture-clash to the hippest European dance floors.
Ernesto Chahoud and the Beirut Groove Collective, which he founded 7 years ago, almost single-handedly run the alternative party scene in the Lebanese capital. For many years he has been traveling the world in search of the most obscure dance floor fillers. His parties host the best of the international digger elite from Keb Darge and DJ Format to Marc Hype and Andy Smith. After a digging trip to Addis Ababa, Chahoud focused on completing his collection of Ethiopian Jazz and Funk, which he happily shares with all discerning dancers and expertly pairs with obscure Arabian Psych, Northern Soul and Garage Rock.
JJ Whitefield, the mastermind of seminal German retro-funkateers the Poets Of Rhythm (Daptone Records), progressive Afro-jazzers Karl Hector & The Malcouns, as well as new afro-rock sensation Johnny!, has been rocking dancefloors from Sao Paulo to Tokyo and everywhere in between. His collaborative work with legendary Ghanaian highlife master Ebo Taylor and Zambian rock heroes Jagari Chanda (WITCH) and Rikki Illilonga (Musi O Tunya) some years ago switched his collecting habits to rare African sounds from the ‘70s. Afrobeat, Ethiopian Jazz, Zamrock as well as Island Funk and psychedelic Soul from all over the world define his musical menu.
Eintritt: 5 Euro